UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

An Incredible Weekend

The 2009 Senior Retreat was held this past weekend, and I am so unbelievably happy that I went. I know I can speak for everyone when I say that I gained a new understanding for not only my faith and my life, but for the Union Catholic Class of '09 too.

We bonded in ways that none of us have ever experienced. We laughed together...we cried together. We shared our personal struggles and experiences, and expressed how much UC has meant to us over these past years. I really didn't want to leave!!!

When we arrived at Camp Warwick, NY on Friday night, we received our room assignments, put our bags away, and gathered together in a common room for a prayer service and some ice breakers. By the time we were finished, it was pretty late... and I had no trouble sleeping that night! Each cabin (one for the boys, two for the girls) had four rooms, and each room slept 10 people. Even though some girls and guys that roomed together may not have been best friends, there was no drama at all for the entire weekend, and people really got to connect with others that they may not have talked to before. This brought our class so much closer together... it was so great!

On Saturday, after breakfast, we got to listen to 7 our of own classmates speak. They each talked about personal experiences throughout high school, especially on how they've changed. It must have been so hard for them to get up in front of their peers... but each person spoke so eloquently. Everyone supported them, too. We participated in some other activities, and got some free time, where some people played basketball, some hung out in their rooms, and some just sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful views. We ate lunch, and then performed skits in different groups. The skits had to portray what each one of us wanted to do with our lives. It was really fun, and alot of the groups were really creative and funny.

Saturday evening was the most powerful part of the entire trip. We celebrated Mass together with Father Joe Mancini, and then it was time for the letters. Members of the Class of '09 were given letters that were written to them from family members, friends, peers, teachers, or anyone else who wanted to say something to them. When each senior received their package of letters, they could go anywhere they chose to read them. Many of the letters held powerful messages, and brought many tears. Afterwards, we gathered together for a candlelight vigil, and to discuss what the letters, and even what the weekend as a whole, had meant to us. During this time, I never felt closer my classmates. Afterwards, we had a big bonfire, where we made s'mores and sang songs. It was sooo much fun!

I hope that when you come to UC and are a senior, you make it a point to attend the Senior Retreat - I am telling you... you will definately not regret it!



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