UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Monday, June 07, 2010

First Year of College - DONE!

Hey everyone!

First of all, I would just like to congratulate the Class of 2010 on their Graduation from UC!!!!!! I know for sure that this class will be off to great new opportunities and endeavors. I've been familiar with many of them since they were freshman, watching them succeed on the stage, on the field, and in their academics. They are sure to go a long way, and I wish them the best of luck!

As for me, I can hardly believe that I've finished my first year of college and how quickly this past year has flown by.

For all of you graduates, take my advice and enjoy this summer getting ready for your college experience. And, just like starting your freshman year at UC, make sure you get involved right away. This is the best way to find your niche and definitely make lots of friends.

While there are so many opportunities to get involved in college, I chose some activities that I felt most familiar with and thought this would be the best way to make the transition from UC to Rider. As most of you know, I am a dancer, so I auditioned for
and was accepted onto the Rider Dance Team. I had no idea that this was going to be such a major commitment. Practices began right away in September, many of which were scheduled on Sunday nights from 8:00 pm til midnight!!! However, because I was doing something I love, I never minded the long hours spent, because in the end, performing at all of the Rider home basketball games was so much fun. I had other opportunities to perform on campus too (like at our own Relay for Life) and I have found a great bunch of friends in all of my teammates.

I also joined the News@Rider - Rider's very own t.v. news show. Many of you will remember that I was a part of UCTV, so this, also, was sort of a familiar ground for me. As a freshman, I was given the opportunity to be a co-anchor on a rotating basis, with three other students. It was a great learning experience, and I'm planning on getting even more involved with the news next year. You can check it out at http://comm.rider.edu/RUNetwork/

Jenn and I standing in front of our decorated Christmas tree!

I was very lucky to have been paired with the perfect roommate :) Jenn and I hit it
off right away. Living with her didn't just make her my "roomie" - it made her one of my best friends. Sadly, Jenn transferred to the University of Miami after the first semester so I was faced with finding another roommate. Again, I was lucky enough to learn that another girl on the dance team needed a roommate too, so we decided to room together. I didn't think it was possible, but I found another "best friend" in Michelle!

Michelle and I dressed up for our Dance Team Banquet.

Academically, my first year at college was a success. While there's always room for improvement, I think that all things considered, I did pretty well. The most difficult challenge for me during this first year was time management. I no longer had my Mom and Dad looking over my shoulder to make sure that I was studying and doing my homework. I had to make that commitment to myself to put aside a certain amount of time each day to get my work done. It isn't easy, I warn you, because there is so much to do at college. There's always a game to go to, a concert or show to attend, or simply the chance to hang out with your friends. It's very tempting to ignore your school work, but it's definitely to your benefit if you put work first. In the end, that commitment will bring you great rewards!!!

I'm proud to say that after a rigorous application and interview process, I was accepted into the Leadership Development Program beginning with my sophomore year. This program will require me to attend additional classes specifically designed to help students learn and strengthen their leadership skills. I'll have the opportunity to participate in many different activities where I'll be required to take on leadership roles both on campus and in the community. I'm so excited to be a part of this program which, I am sure, will be
of great importance to my future endeavors.

Well, I've given you a glimpse into my first year in college. I'm happy to say that it was a huge success. I'm looking forward to the future, just as all of you are, and I wish for you the same success that I have enjoyed during the past year.

I promise to be back from time to time to fill you in on all my news!!!

Enjoy your summer!! I know I am :)

~ Jeanette

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

College Life!!

Hey everyone!! Remember me?! It's Jeanette, UC '09 graduate, and now a freshman at Rider University. I came back to tell you all about my transition from high school and college and what my life is like now. Feel free to post comments and leave questions for me if you want to!

Making the transition from high school to college was full of different emotions for me. In the summer and throughout the first month here, I was so excited to be heading off to college and gaining independence by living on my own. It didn't hit me until the second month just how much independence, responsibility, and prioritization I needed! I've had alot of fun already and have made some great friends, but at the same time it's been a little difficult trying to get work done when you'd rather hang out with friends who are in the dorm next to you and don't have mom or dad to tell you "no!"

Fortunately, I think that phase was just in the beginning of the semester, since everyone wanted to meet new people and develop their own comfort zone with groups of friends. Now that I'm well into the semester, actually - almost done with it, I've learned that your work always, ALWAYS needs to come first. I really like my classes here at Rider. I take 5 academic classes a week, and 2 dance classes (because I'm minoring in dance). There's also something called Freshman Seminar, which I have once a week. This class is a 10-week program that has really helped freshman adjust to the college atmosphere. There are activities for us to complete and we are given the opportunity to ask any type of questions that we want to.

If you remember me from my old blogs, you'll know that I was very involved in high school. Well, even though I'm not in ten different clubs here, I am a part of two main organizations already. I'm on the Rider Dance Team (which I had to audition for) and I'm working with the News at Rider, a news program on the Rider University Network. These activities are perfect for me because they're both something that I love to do and that I'm very interested in.

So, to sum it up, I think I'm doing really well in college. Yeah, I've had some breakdowns and have gotten stressed at times, but I feel like I was really well prepared. UC taught me alot, and I owe so much to all my teachers, counselors, and administrators there. They instilled morals, proper behavior, study skills, knowledge, and life lessons for me to follow.

I can't wait to return to UC for the Alumni Christmas Mass! It will be great to be back in the "blue crew". Even though I'm a "Rough Rider" now, wearing cranberry and red, I'll never be afraid to show my Viking pride!


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Goodbye Summer, Hello College

Hey all!! I haven't blogged since school ended, and to be honest, I've missed it! I loved sharing my life inside and outside of UC with you, so I've come back to share more and talk about my transitioning to college! Yes, just as UC is about to begin another school year, I'm getting ready to begin a new chapter in my life. But before I do, I thought I'd fill you in on what I've been up to since graduation.

The many rainy days in the beginning of the summer didn't keep me from making the most of my last summer before college. I was disappointed that I couldn't go to the beach more often, but my summer was still packed with lots of fun. I've gone to numerous graduation parties and celebrated with friends and family, danced at my final dance recital, performed a community theatre production of Disney's "High School Musical" (I got to spend a little more time as a high school student!), landed a summer job, saw a Met's game at the new Citifield, and spent some time meeting and getting to know my fellow classmates from Rider. At the end of June I spent a weekend at Rider for freshman orientation which was so fun... a little glimpse of what to expect as a new college student!

This is such an exciting, yet anxious time for me - very similar to the feelings I was experiencing when I was about to enter high school! I think this time I'm a bit more nervous, though. I'm moving in on Sunday, and after that - I'll be living on my own! I think being an only child is going to make this even harder for me. I'm no longer going to have mom and dad to rely on for everything!! On another personal level, I definitely think the fact that I've met so many Rider friends already is going to make it a lot easier. I've been talking to my roommate and even though we haven't met in person yet, I think she and I will get along just fine. I also have the comfort in knowing that one of my closest friends is also going to Rider, so I know that I'll always have someone to lean on if I need her. Academically, I really believe that Union Catholic has prepared me well for the challenges that lie ahead. I'm sure that in college I will have to make deadlines for big assignment, write timed essays in classes, and manage my study time with extracurriculars, among other things - just as I learned to do in high school.

I've already said goodbye to a lot of friends and even two of my closest ones as we all head off to college in many different directions. I hope that our friendships stay true over time and distance. It's really not going to be easy for me to leave the comfort of my friends and family, but I know that they'll be there for me whenever I need them. My friends and I are already making plans to get together for our first break, and of course, we'll be back to visit UC often and see what's new and what has stayed the same.

It's pretty weird to think that I'm not going back to UC this week. But in four short years, I can honestly say that it became my second home. I'll leave any newcomers (and even if you're not one) with this thought - enjoy your time at UC. Take advantage of all that it has to offer. Take your school work seriously, but be sure to have fun too. Meet lots of friends, join clubs, play a sport, get involved in as many ways as you can!! High school goes by in a flash, and when it's over you want to look back and say, "those were the best years of my life." Good luck!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Where did May Go???

Hey everyone!!! Can you believe it? I am no longer a Union Catholic student!!!!!

After 3 years of blogging, I never knew this day would come so fast. I have been telling you all about my life at UC and out of it since my sophomore year... and now my high school days are over!!! However... just because I am out of UC doesn't mean I won't have things to say about it!!

Well, first of all, let me go through my past month at school. Two words - ACTION PACKED!! After my AP Exams, the Relay for Life, and Performing Arts Company Awards, it was Prom Time!! My senior prom was better than I could have ever imagined. Everything was perfect! All seven of my girlfriends got to be together. We all took pictures at one house, were in the same limo, and even got to sit at the same table!! This meant alot to us because last year at junior prom, we were seperated because of who our dates were. We all had such a fun time and danced the night away. My date and I looked great together! :-) I was sooo happy the entire night. It was everything I could have asked for... and more!!! I know I can speak for everyone at prom when I say that too. Everyone looked fabulous and really seemed to have a great time. Even our Assistant and Associate principals got up and showed off their dancing skills in the middle of the dance floor! I cherished every minute at prom because I knew that the end of the night would come too fast. Afterwards, I had a big sleepover at my house! It was so great. Then, the next morning, we left for Wildwood!

The week after prom weekend was our senior exams. I only had to take math, so it wasn't that bad. Then, the following weekend, I travelled to Albany, NY with the Forensics Team for the annual Grand National Tournament!! My partner and I qualified for nationals in Duo Interpretation, along with the senior boy team. Our boy Public Forum debate team made it to nationals as well. Arielle and I advanced to the Octo- (top 48) and Quarter-Final (top 24) Rounds!!!! We later found out that we finished 19th in the country in Duo. We were overjoyed beyond belief!!! We worked soooo hard the entire year... and it really paid off!! Being a 3-time National Tourament qualifier in my 4 years of forensics was quite an accomplishment... and it was awesome to end my high school career with "breaking" at Nationals. I loved doing forensics and I owe so much to my 4 forensics coaches.

The week before graduation was filled with fun activities for the Class of '09. After graduation practice on Tuesday, we went to Six Flags for the last time. Even though it was rainy and cold, my friends and I still managed to have a good time. After graduation practice on Thursday, it was the Senior BBQ and Drive Around!!!! I have been waiting for this event ever since freshman year!! All of the seniors decorate their cars, beep their horns, and drive around the school, while everyone in school watches them through the windows. 4 of my friends came in my car... and it was sooo much fun!! We finally came to the realization that we were spending our last days at Union Catholic.

On Friday, we had our Baccalaureate Mass and Principal's Reception. It was a beautiful night... the IHM Church across the street from UC was packed with friends, family members, and teachers of the Class of '09. A number of seniors also participated in the mass, by alter serving, bringing up the gifts, UC '09 posters, our yearbook, and other things, reading, & singing in the mass. Then, a reception was held by our principal in the cafeteria. Graduation Day was an emotional day for me!! I started crying at 8 o' clock in the morning! As everyone was lining up to walk, I looked around and soaked the moment in. I thought "this is the last time I'm going to be with all of these people at the same time." I couldn't believe that my 4 years at UC were gone. Even though I am SO excited for summer and college, I know that I am really going to miss high school... especially because of my life at Union Catholic High School. This place has become my home... I have laughed, cried, won, and lost at UC. I've made some of the most memorable moments in my life because of the people I have met here and the things that I have done here. I will always cherish my time at UC, and will keep it and the people I've met because of it close to my heart. I hope all of you can soon experience the joy of Union Catholic that I have... don't take anything for granted and remember to live in the moment!! You only go through high school once in your life!

Now, it's time to celebrate :-)

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


Hey all! Well even though I'm going through my last weeks at UC, I still have a bunch going on.

Last Tuesday was a fun filled day, and it went really well. As the captain of Dance Club, I felt great about my last Pep Rally performance!! Even though there were only 5 girls, including myself, in the Dance Club (I don't know how it got so much smaller since the Winter!), we still did a great job and got lots of compliments. Our outfits were adorable, and specially customized by my mom! We dressed up like baseball players and each wore a different color. It was so fun and I had a great time.. I was so proud of the girls because they worked really hard and learned the dances in only a few short weeks.

Then, Tuesday night, I had to get to school by 5:30 for the 5th Annual Mr. UC Pageant!!! Like I said in my last blog, I was an escort because I'm on the Student Council. I had sooo much fun. I've been going to the pageant ever since I was a freshmen - looking up to the seniors and hoping that I would be a part of it in my senior year. Not to mention.... the best part of it was that the contestant that I escorted, Mr. Edison, WON!!! After competing in casual wear, talent, formal wear, and trivia, he was crowned Mr. UC. It was soooo exciting! All of the proceeds from the event are going to the Gresco Children's Trust, the children of one of our teachers, Mr. Gresco, whose wife recently passed away. It was a such a great night... one that I will always remember from my senior year!

Everyone in the senior class is gearing up for the senior prom. Plans for the weekend after prom are being finalized, (or in my case, still being made), hair and make up appointments are being scheduled, and tuxedos are being ordered! I actually went to the tuxedo shop with my date this weekend. It was so exciting because we're both really looking forward to prom!! I think I'm pretty much set, all I have to do is get jewelry and order my date's bouttenier.

This week is a short week of classes for me, because I have to take two AP tests at the end of the week. I have my AP English Literature exam on Thursday, and my AP US History exam on Friday. Even though I'm really not looking forward to them, I get to leave school afterwards, so that's always good! Then, Friday night, I'm going to the Relay for Life with the Student Movement Against Cancer. I'm not sure if you remember but I blogged about this event when I went last year. I'm really looking forward to it, and I'll tell you all about it later! Hope you all have a great day. Bye!!

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Monday, April 27, 2009

My College Decision!

Hey Everyone! I can't believe how fast time is flying. Here I am, at the end of April in my senior year. After having a great spring break with my friends, the time has come for me to realize that I am so much closer to moving on my way, out of Union Catholic and onto another chapter of my life!

I have decided to attend Rider University, majoring in Communications (Radio/TV) and minoring in Dance. After a second visit to Rider a couple Saturdays ago, it really made my decision that much harder... I had narrowed my options down to Rider and Montclair. Because I got into the broadcasting program at Montclair, that was definately an asset. The program is fairly competitive, and I had to go to an interview and write an essay to do it. You may be questioning why I decided to attend Rider then! But ultimately, I made my decision based on my overall feel for the college. I feel a comfortable and cool vibe when I go to Rider - everyone there is very nice and helpful. The campus is really nice, and seems more of a college campus than Montclair. Also, Montclair is said to be a "suit case" school, where alot of students commute. I want to be somewhere where I feel a togetherness, and can feel at home. That's why I chose Rider!

I am so excited to be heading towards college. I've already been talking to some incoming freshmen on Facebook by joining the Rider University Class of 2013 group! Some members of the group are actually planning to meet up with each other at Rider in a few weekends, to meet people and get to know each other even before our Orientation Days. One of my best friends, Erin, is also going to Rider so her and I might ride up there together.

Another exciting thing that has happened in my life is that I tried out for Mystic Vision Player's production of High School Musical!!! MVP is Linden's Community Theatre. I was really excited about auditioning because I have never done community theatre before, only shows at UC. I got a callback, and turns out I will be playing the part of a Wildcat Cheerleader!!!!

I'm also really excited for tomorrow... its the Spring Pep Rally and the Mr. UC Pageant!! I'm involved in both. I'll be dancing in the pep rally with the Dance Club, and I will be escorting Mr. Edison at the pageant. If you get a chance, you should really come out and see this event. It's hilarious and really a great time for everyone.

I'll be updating you on other things in the near future. Maybe I'll be seeing some of you at our Open House on Wednesday! Have a good week =)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I bet from the title of this blog post you're all wondering why I would write about something like this. However, death has been an apparent piece of my life at Union Catholic lately...not only have I been learning about death in my Christian Life class, but the UC community has gone through tough times over the past several weeks, as many family members and friends have passed away.

In Religion, the past few chapters we've been studying have had to do with death. At first I thought to myself, "this is so morbid...why am I learning about this?!" But in reality, it has helped me comprehend the process of death, the different ways of handling of it, and understand why death happens. My teacher Sister Irma has really taught us that death is a significant part of life. It comes unexpectedly and affects us forever. There are different stages for those who know death is coming, such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. The two movies that we are watching in correlation with our study and that demonstrate these stages are "A Shining Season" and "Tuesdays with Morrie."

Several deaths have occurred at UC recently, including the wife of Mr. Gresco, the grandfather of Mr. Luciano, the father of Mrs. Addison, and many grandparents of students. I really believe that the UC community is a great family to be a part of, whether in dealing with successes or with losses. Everyone reaches out to each other and offers their thoughts and prayers. Students and faculty members alike attend funeral services for those who have passed, and really unite together when needed most. As a school, we pray for so many different people everyday. It's not just a habit of ours, it's a constant way of life.

One particular death that has stuck out to me is the recent death of the 17 year old boy from Roselle Park. On Saturday night, only about a half hour later, I drove down the same road that he got into an accident on. "That could have been me," I said to myself. While I am praying for the boy, all those involved, and his family, I am taking this experience and learning from it. Just like Sister Irma is preaching to us, I can't take anything for granted. I have to ask myself, "am I really living my life the way I want to? Have I said the things I have wanted to say to the people in my life?"

Having lost 4 family members as a child, I'm no stranger to death myself. I'm glad that Union Catholic is somewhere for me to share my grief, thoughts, memories, and prayers. I know that whatever I go through, the people at UC will be there for me if I need them!

Crunch Time!

There are only 7 days left until our first performance of "Into the Woods"!!!! I am stressing out so much because this is the time when the play basically becomes MY LIFE. I live and breath the lines and lyrics!!!! The set isn't quite finished yet.... costumes are still being determined, and we haven't even run the full show in one rehearsal yet. Talk about pressure!!

I know we're going to pull it off, because somehow we always do. But this show seems to have crept up on all of us, and I think we all wish we had some more time to prepare. It's an incredibly difficult show to pull off - as our director told us when she announced it in May. I just feel like there's so much to be done! Even my mom is busy preparing for the first show, because she helps with decorating the lobby every year.

Our first performance is for the grammar schools, on Wednesday, March 25. This is always an energizing day, because the kids get so excited to see us perform. It gives us a boost of confidence for our opening night. On Thursday, we perform a section of the show for the student body. This is probably the most nerve-racking show because it's in front of all of our peers that we see everyday. Then we have another grammar school performance the following Wednesday.

I hope you all can come out and enjoy PAC's performances - It runs for five shows on two weekends, The 27th - 29th, and the 3rd - 4th!!! I know you'll be impressed with our professionalism, dedication, and love for the performing arts here at Union Catholic =)
