UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Goodbye Summer, Hello College

Hey all!! I haven't blogged since school ended, and to be honest, I've missed it! I loved sharing my life inside and outside of UC with you, so I've come back to share more and talk about my transitioning to college! Yes, just as UC is about to begin another school year, I'm getting ready to begin a new chapter in my life. But before I do, I thought I'd fill you in on what I've been up to since graduation.

The many rainy days in the beginning of the summer didn't keep me from making the most of my last summer before college. I was disappointed that I couldn't go to the beach more often, but my summer was still packed with lots of fun. I've gone to numerous graduation parties and celebrated with friends and family, danced at my final dance recital, performed a community theatre production of Disney's "High School Musical" (I got to spend a little more time as a high school student!), landed a summer job, saw a Met's game at the new Citifield, and spent some time meeting and getting to know my fellow classmates from Rider. At the end of June I spent a weekend at Rider for freshman orientation which was so fun... a little glimpse of what to expect as a new college student!

This is such an exciting, yet anxious time for me - very similar to the feelings I was experiencing when I was about to enter high school! I think this time I'm a bit more nervous, though. I'm moving in on Sunday, and after that - I'll be living on my own! I think being an only child is going to make this even harder for me. I'm no longer going to have mom and dad to rely on for everything!! On another personal level, I definitely think the fact that I've met so many Rider friends already is going to make it a lot easier. I've been talking to my roommate and even though we haven't met in person yet, I think she and I will get along just fine. I also have the comfort in knowing that one of my closest friends is also going to Rider, so I know that I'll always have someone to lean on if I need her. Academically, I really believe that Union Catholic has prepared me well for the challenges that lie ahead. I'm sure that in college I will have to make deadlines for big assignment, write timed essays in classes, and manage my study time with extracurriculars, among other things - just as I learned to do in high school.

I've already said goodbye to a lot of friends and even two of my closest ones as we all head off to college in many different directions. I hope that our friendships stay true over time and distance. It's really not going to be easy for me to leave the comfort of my friends and family, but I know that they'll be there for me whenever I need them. My friends and I are already making plans to get together for our first break, and of course, we'll be back to visit UC often and see what's new and what has stayed the same.

It's pretty weird to think that I'm not going back to UC this week. But in four short years, I can honestly say that it became my second home. I'll leave any newcomers (and even if you're not one) with this thought - enjoy your time at UC. Take advantage of all that it has to offer. Take your school work seriously, but be sure to have fun too. Meet lots of friends, join clubs, play a sport, get involved in as many ways as you can!! High school goes by in a flash, and when it's over you want to look back and say, "those were the best years of my life." Good luck!