UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Christmas Time at UC!

Hey everyone! Wow, it's been awhile since I've last talked to you. There's just been so much going on. In this blog I'm going to share with you all of the things (that I can think of!) that go on in UC around the holiday season.

For starters, the 2008 Semi Formal ("A Winter Wonderland") was held on Friday, December 5th. This is always an exciting event for everyone. My girlfriends and I all went together (no dates this year!) and had a great time. We met at my friends house beforehand to take pictures and hurried over to school to dance the night away. We all had a sleepover afterwards to, and chatted about the dance for almost the entire night. To the right is a picture of me and my best friend, Bess Ann. We couldn't believe that we were going to our very last UC Semi!!! I really had a great time. As a member of student council I helped set up the day before. Everything from the auditorium entrance, to the cafeteria, to the gym was beautifully decorated.

The following Tuesday night was the Tree of Lights Ceremony and the Christmas Concert. The Tree of Lights is an annual gathering of UC community members to remember certain people during the holiday season. I have gone to the ceremony in the past, and it was truly wonderful. Our tree in the main foyer is decorated with doves that have names of people to remember. Whether that person has passed away, is sick, or just needs prayers, Union Catholic remembers them. After the ceremony, the concert took place in the auditorium, where members of the Band, Chorus, Gospel Choir, and Dance Class performed.

My religion teacher, Sister Irma, has been reminding her students and asking them for donations because she is collecting money to buy coats for poor children. Some members of the senior class have even donated their own coats. In Mr. Wright's classes, students are writing Christmas cards for soldiers in Iraq. There is also a Toy Drive going on too!

Student Council had their own Secret Santa exchange today, and a small party during homeroom. Mrs. Leegan, our moderator, wanted to thank us for all of the hardwork we've done so far this year. The "Deck the Halls" festivities have ended now... (the senior hallway is by far THE BEST!) We strung lights all the way down the hall, and made stockings for every single person and put them on their lockers! It was alot of work but people were always eager to stay after school and help.

I almost forgot something! The Senior Tree Trimming Party! The Christmas Tree that is displayed in the cafeteria is customarily the Senior Tree. Every senior who comes to the party makes their own ornament and gets to hang it on the tree. We sing Christmas carols, eat, play games, and enjoy everyone's company. Sister Percylee blesses the tree and then the tree is lit for all to see! It was a really fun night. As you can see, UC really does embrace the Christmas spirit, in many different ways. This week is the last week of school before our VERY LONG Christmas Vacation!!!! Everyone is so excited... we don't have to come back to school until January 5th! Thursday is the Winter Pep Rally, which Dance Club has been preparing for. Then on Friday we have a half day, and also the annual Christmas Alumni Mass. On Saturday there is a Forensics Competition for our league... I hope we do well because we all need to get points to go to Nationals! (Speaking of Forensics, we had another invitational meet on Saturday, and were very successful! I personally received 2nd Place in both categories of Declamation and Dramatic Pairs).

I think that's all I have for today. If I don't blog again before Christmas or the New Year, I hope you all have a very happy holiday!!!!!
