UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Last Friday night was the 3rd Annual Accepted Students Dance – and oh, what a night it was! A lot of 8th graders came, and were greeted by many Big Brothers, Big Sisters, and Ambassadors of UC. I’ve been to the two past dances, and I think it’s gotten better and better with each year. More and more 8th graders came and were dancing the night away. I was surprised how fast a lot of them started to dance and make new friends. I talked to a lot of them throughout the night, especially the ones who didn’t know anyone. But by the end of the night, we got pretty much everyone out on the dance floor, making a congo line around the school and dancing to the Cha-Cha Slide and Cotton-Eyed Joe! I thought the night was really successful, and everyone there had a great time – 8th graders, UC students, and UC supervisors alike!

Catholic Schools Week is this week, and today and tomorrow we get two tag days! Today, everyone is wearing UC Apparel, from sweat pants to basketball jerseys. Tomorrow we can wear clothes from colleges. We also get complimentary “breakfast in the wings” in the morning.

The Student Council is selling candy grams for Valentine’s Day. A table is set up in the morning and anyone can buy something for their sweetheart for only a dollar!

We have another Forensics competition coming up this Saturday, with only one more in March! The team is working hard to do their very best and get points for nationals. The annual trip to Harvard is coming up too, on President’s Day weekend. I can’t wait!!

I also just realized how close the Spring Musical is, and the nerves are definitely kicking in! We only have 10 rehearsals until the big Tech Weekend, the weekend before opening night where the cast and crew basically live at school, running the show and working out any last minute problems.

Last Sunday, I got to come to school for “Q & A Sunday,” an Information Session for Accepted Students and their families. I gave a few tours and talked to several parents and kids, answering any questions that they had and telling them all about my life here at UC, just like I do on this blog! I love meeting so many different families, and I think it’s great that there are so many opportunities for you to come visit and learn more about our school. Learning all about UC before you even get here will make your transition into freshman year so much easier and fun!

I’ll be back to let you know more about what’s going on – I can always find something to tell you!! Have a great day!

Monday, January 14, 2008

"Any Dream Will Do"

Everyone that knows Mr. Luciano, Director of Recruitment here at UC, has probably heard him say the phrase, “Just livin’ the dream…” Since there are so many opportunities for students to succeed and enjoy themselves at Union Catholic, dreams really can come true!

If you’ve read my past blogs, you know that I’m a member of the Performing Arts Company and have been rehearsing for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Since we got back from Christmas break, practices have been heating up, with opening night less than two months away! (one of the songs from Joseph is called “Any Dream Will Do” – my “theme for this blog! J) Rehearsals can last from a minimum of two hours, to almost an entire day. This reality just shows how I’m livin’ my dream here at UC!

More dreams came true when the Boy’s Track Team won the title of Mountain Valley Conference Champions. Four of them have just qualified to compete at the Millrose Games at Madison Square Garden! You can read more about that in the Sophomore’s blog J

College acceptance letters are coming in, and seniors are realizing their dreams of attending the colleges of their choice. My friends and I are starting to seriously consider which colleges we see ourselves at too.

Our Forensics Team competed in our fourth league meet on Saturday, and the team came in third overall! Chris and I placed 2nd in Duo, Sophomore Arielle placed 1st in Declamation, Angelo and John placed 5th in Debate, and James and Keith placed 4th in Debate. When a “forensicator” receives enough points, they are eligible to compete at Nationals, which are held in Appleton, Wisconsin this year! We’re all crossing our fingers, with only 2 meets left!

In school this week, we’ll be reviewing for our Midterm Exams, which start on Friday. On Thursday, we get a “study day,” which is good because getting ready for midterms is always a little stressful. No daydreaming here!

It’s getting closer and closer to Registration Day for the Class of 2012. There are so many exciting things for the 8th graders to look forward to! I hope all of your dreams come true in being accepted to the high school you want. If you decide to come to UC, I know you’ll be happy that you did. Then you can become a part of the UC Community and live your dreams with all of us!