UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sugar...at the Parade and on the UC Stage!

Hi Everyone!
I’m sitting here in my study hall and decided to write my new blog. There’s a lot to talk about! On Saturday, March 10th, Union Catholic participated in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Union. The Performing Arts Company performed a number from our Spring Musical, “Sugar.” There were a lot of people watching and they seemed to enjoy it. It was so exciting and so much fun to be a part of such a great day. Before the parade began, the UC students were treated to hot chocolate and sandwiches by the ladies in the Development Office, Mrs. Abel, Mrs. Palenik, Miss LaCorte and Mrs. Thornton, the Director of Admissions. Many UC students and our school mascot marched with pride, as Union Catholic was the first school in line to march in the parade. Everyone was very impressed with our school; we marched in our school uniforms and wore sashes to show off our Viking Pride! It was a perfect day for a parade; we all had so much fun.

The 3rd marking period will end on March 23rd. I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. It is now time for all of us to make our course selections for next year. We register for next years classes online. Because I’ll be a junior next year, I can choose an elective; I still haven’t made my final decision. We were told to hurry fast, since classes fill up quickly.

Well, like I’ve been mentioning all throughout my blogs, our Spring Musical, “Sugar,” has finally arrived! This Friday is OPENING NIGHT! Please come and see the show; you’ll absolutely love it! Check the website’s main page for the dates and times. We are also performing the show this Wednesday and next Wednesday too, for the grade schools that are coming.

Also, I’ve been talking about our Forensics Team throughout my previous blogs. The regular season is now finished, as our final competition was cancelled because of the snow and ice this past Saturday. The Union Catholic Forensics Team ended the regular season in Third Place! Some of us at Union Catholic will be competing at Nationals in Houston, Texas over the Memorial Day weekend. Four UC seniors will be competing in Duo Interpretation, two will be competing in Public Forum, and two of us (including myself) will be competing in Declamation. I’m very excited about this and looking forward to traveling to Texas with my teammates and coaches.

That’s all I can think of for now. Hope you have a great week!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Progress Reports...Career Day

Hey Everyone! Just figured I’d write a little about what’s been going on lately, and what’s coming up for the weekend! Everyone waited in anticipation for progress reports to arrive home this past Friday. The few days before it comes is always a little stressful. Usually, you’ll know how you’re doing in your classes, but for some it can still be nerve-racking, especially because they know that their plans for the weekend might have to be altered if they do poorly! Progress reports always have to come on a Friday… I never liked that. But I was relieved; thankfully, mine wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!

On Thursday, the sophomore class has Career Day. In homeroom yesterday, we had to pick several fields that interest us from a list of careers. Career Day is when UC Alumni volunteer to come into school and talk about their job and how they got there. I’m excited for it, because I’m still not sure what I want to do when I get older! It’ll be great to hear from people who went from being a high school student at UC to having successful jobs in the real world!

I know that Friday is the Class of 2011 Lock-In!! I hope you all have a blast; I remember I did! The Lock-In is where I started to get to know and talk to a lot more kids from my class. I still remember who I met at the Lock-In; some of those people are my greatest friends now! There are plenty of fun games and activities prepared for you; along with a lot of food and snacks. Enjoy yourself; it will certainly be a great memory to look back on!

On Saturday, Union Catholic will be marching in the Union County Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in Union. The Performing Arts Company will be performing something from our upcoming musical, (OPENING NIGHT – MARCH 23rd!), and many members from the school community will be marching together. This year, UC was picked to carry the banners for each of the counties in Ireland! It’s very exciting =) A lot of UC students will also be marching in the parade, showing our school spirit and Viking pride! We’re going to ‘tailgate’ and have breakfast in the morning. It should be a fun day!

I think that’s enough for now. Talk to you soon!