UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I bet from the title of this blog post you're all wondering why I would write about something like this. However, death has been an apparent piece of my life at Union Catholic lately...not only have I been learning about death in my Christian Life class, but the UC community has gone through tough times over the past several weeks, as many family members and friends have passed away.

In Religion, the past few chapters we've been studying have had to do with death. At first I thought to myself, "this is so morbid...why am I learning about this?!" But in reality, it has helped me comprehend the process of death, the different ways of handling of it, and understand why death happens. My teacher Sister Irma has really taught us that death is a significant part of life. It comes unexpectedly and affects us forever. There are different stages for those who know death is coming, such as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. The two movies that we are watching in correlation with our study and that demonstrate these stages are "A Shining Season" and "Tuesdays with Morrie."

Several deaths have occurred at UC recently, including the wife of Mr. Gresco, the grandfather of Mr. Luciano, the father of Mrs. Addison, and many grandparents of students. I really believe that the UC community is a great family to be a part of, whether in dealing with successes or with losses. Everyone reaches out to each other and offers their thoughts and prayers. Students and faculty members alike attend funeral services for those who have passed, and really unite together when needed most. As a school, we pray for so many different people everyday. It's not just a habit of ours, it's a constant way of life.

One particular death that has stuck out to me is the recent death of the 17 year old boy from Roselle Park. On Saturday night, only about a half hour later, I drove down the same road that he got into an accident on. "That could have been me," I said to myself. While I am praying for the boy, all those involved, and his family, I am taking this experience and learning from it. Just like Sister Irma is preaching to us, I can't take anything for granted. I have to ask myself, "am I really living my life the way I want to? Have I said the things I have wanted to say to the people in my life?"

Having lost 4 family members as a child, I'm no stranger to death myself. I'm glad that Union Catholic is somewhere for me to share my grief, thoughts, memories, and prayers. I know that whatever I go through, the people at UC will be there for me if I need them!

Crunch Time!

There are only 7 days left until our first performance of "Into the Woods"!!!! I am stressing out so much because this is the time when the play basically becomes MY LIFE. I live and breath the lines and lyrics!!!! The set isn't quite finished yet.... costumes are still being determined, and we haven't even run the full show in one rehearsal yet. Talk about pressure!!

I know we're going to pull it off, because somehow we always do. But this show seems to have crept up on all of us, and I think we all wish we had some more time to prepare. It's an incredibly difficult show to pull off - as our director told us when she announced it in May. I just feel like there's so much to be done! Even my mom is busy preparing for the first show, because she helps with decorating the lobby every year.

Our first performance is for the grammar schools, on Wednesday, March 25. This is always an energizing day, because the kids get so excited to see us perform. It gives us a boost of confidence for our opening night. On Thursday, we perform a section of the show for the student body. This is probably the most nerve-racking show because it's in front of all of our peers that we see everyday. Then we have another grammar school performance the following Wednesday.

I hope you all can come out and enjoy PAC's performances - It runs for five shows on two weekends, The 27th - 29th, and the 3rd - 4th!!! I know you'll be impressed with our professionalism, dedication, and love for the performing arts here at Union Catholic =)


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

An Incredible Weekend

The 2009 Senior Retreat was held this past weekend, and I am so unbelievably happy that I went. I know I can speak for everyone when I say that I gained a new understanding for not only my faith and my life, but for the Union Catholic Class of '09 too.

We bonded in ways that none of us have ever experienced. We laughed together...we cried together. We shared our personal struggles and experiences, and expressed how much UC has meant to us over these past years. I really didn't want to leave!!!

When we arrived at Camp Warwick, NY on Friday night, we received our room assignments, put our bags away, and gathered together in a common room for a prayer service and some ice breakers. By the time we were finished, it was pretty late... and I had no trouble sleeping that night! Each cabin (one for the boys, two for the girls) had four rooms, and each room slept 10 people. Even though some girls and guys that roomed together may not have been best friends, there was no drama at all for the entire weekend, and people really got to connect with others that they may not have talked to before. This brought our class so much closer together... it was so great!

On Saturday, after breakfast, we got to listen to 7 our of own classmates speak. They each talked about personal experiences throughout high school, especially on how they've changed. It must have been so hard for them to get up in front of their peers... but each person spoke so eloquently. Everyone supported them, too. We participated in some other activities, and got some free time, where some people played basketball, some hung out in their rooms, and some just sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful views. We ate lunch, and then performed skits in different groups. The skits had to portray what each one of us wanted to do with our lives. It was really fun, and alot of the groups were really creative and funny.

Saturday evening was the most powerful part of the entire trip. We celebrated Mass together with Father Joe Mancini, and then it was time for the letters. Members of the Class of '09 were given letters that were written to them from family members, friends, peers, teachers, or anyone else who wanted to say something to them. When each senior received their package of letters, they could go anywhere they chose to read them. Many of the letters held powerful messages, and brought many tears. Afterwards, we gathered together for a candlelight vigil, and to discuss what the letters, and even what the weekend as a whole, had meant to us. During this time, I never felt closer my classmates. Afterwards, we had a big bonfire, where we made s'mores and sang songs. It was sooo much fun!

I hope that when you come to UC and are a senior, you make it a point to attend the Senior Retreat - I am telling you... you will definately not regret it!
