UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Alot to Look Forward To... (PROM!)

As exciting as it is to think about college, there is still alot to look forward to here at UC!

The Junior Prom is now only 14 DAYS AWAY!!! It’s on Friday, May 2nd at the Berkeley Plaza in Berkeley Heights. Plans are already set for pre-prom activities! We’ve rented our limo, and we’ve decided whose house we’ll start the night off at for pictures. My friend, Jenna, created a facebook page for all of the girls to post pictures of our dresses, since we’re trying to avoid having the same dress as someone else!! I thought that was such a good idea.

Everyone is really excited for prom and so happy that it's almost here... BUT, that means that AP Exams are that much closer too! The exams are the two weeks after prom. Alot of people stress out about them, but the good thing to know is that after they're over, we don't have to worry about studying for them anymore!

I've had a fun week this week... On Wednesday night I went to the SMAC Quarters for Cancer Dinner, followed by the Mr. UC Pageant!! It was a blast, as always. Then on Thursday I went with my spanish teacher, Senora McHugh, and the 3Accelerated and 4AP classes to see a cultural Spanish show and then to a Spanish restaurant. And finally, tonight, I get to work the Class of '12 LOCK-IN!!!!

I'm looking forward to a beautiful weekend. I love this weather! I think when I get home I'll work on my tan for prom =) Talk to you soon!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Final Stretch

Wow, I can’t believe that I started my last marking period of junior year last week! Usually I would say that the year has flown by, once again… but I actually think that the year went by at a normal pace for me. I guess that’s due to all of the different things that have been going on in my personal life. I’ve had to deal with a lot this year… from losing closer friendships to gaining new ones… from experiencing peer pressure to being at war with my mom! All of it has really taken a toll on me, and at times I didn’t think summer could come sooner. But I can’t let all of the drama get to me, because when I look back at high school, I don’t want that to be the biggest part. There's so many more great times to remember! It's great to know that at school, you can always have someone to talk to. Whether it be a guidance counselor, upper classmen, or favorite teacher -- someone is always there! Through all of my experiences, I’ve learned a lot about high school, life, and myself. I guess that's why they say that high school is one of the greatest times of your life!! It's a roller coaster ride, but every minute of it is worth it, because you gain soooo sooo much.

One of the things that I've recently learned is that I really need to get a move on thinking about what I want to do with my future. I really have to focus on my grades... even though its the last marking period, I can't slack off!!!! UC held a College Information Night a couple of weeks ago, and I went with my mom. An admissions representative from Rider was there and explained all about the college application process, and about what colleges look for from high school students. It was really helpful, and it made me want to start searching for the perfect college! Shortly after that, I had a meeting with my parents and my guidance counselor, which gave me a list of colleges that would be fitting for what I want to do. I'm leaning towards studying Musical Theatre as a minor, and possibly Broadcast Journalism/Communications for a major. Those are all my thoughts for now. I’ll be trying to blog more often now, so keep posted for more!!

Jeanette :)