UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Where did May Go???

Hey everyone!!! Can you believe it? I am no longer a Union Catholic student!!!!!

After 3 years of blogging, I never knew this day would come so fast. I have been telling you all about my life at UC and out of it since my sophomore year... and now my high school days are over!!! However... just because I am out of UC doesn't mean I won't have things to say about it!!

Well, first of all, let me go through my past month at school. Two words - ACTION PACKED!! After my AP Exams, the Relay for Life, and Performing Arts Company Awards, it was Prom Time!! My senior prom was better than I could have ever imagined. Everything was perfect! All seven of my girlfriends got to be together. We all took pictures at one house, were in the same limo, and even got to sit at the same table!! This meant alot to us because last year at junior prom, we were seperated because of who our dates were. We all had such a fun time and danced the night away. My date and I looked great together! :-) I was sooo happy the entire night. It was everything I could have asked for... and more!!! I know I can speak for everyone at prom when I say that too. Everyone looked fabulous and really seemed to have a great time. Even our Assistant and Associate principals got up and showed off their dancing skills in the middle of the dance floor! I cherished every minute at prom because I knew that the end of the night would come too fast. Afterwards, I had a big sleepover at my house! It was so great. Then, the next morning, we left for Wildwood!

The week after prom weekend was our senior exams. I only had to take math, so it wasn't that bad. Then, the following weekend, I travelled to Albany, NY with the Forensics Team for the annual Grand National Tournament!! My partner and I qualified for nationals in Duo Interpretation, along with the senior boy team. Our boy Public Forum debate team made it to nationals as well. Arielle and I advanced to the Octo- (top 48) and Quarter-Final (top 24) Rounds!!!! We later found out that we finished 19th in the country in Duo. We were overjoyed beyond belief!!! We worked soooo hard the entire year... and it really paid off!! Being a 3-time National Tourament qualifier in my 4 years of forensics was quite an accomplishment... and it was awesome to end my high school career with "breaking" at Nationals. I loved doing forensics and I owe so much to my 4 forensics coaches.

The week before graduation was filled with fun activities for the Class of '09. After graduation practice on Tuesday, we went to Six Flags for the last time. Even though it was rainy and cold, my friends and I still managed to have a good time. After graduation practice on Thursday, it was the Senior BBQ and Drive Around!!!! I have been waiting for this event ever since freshman year!! All of the seniors decorate their cars, beep their horns, and drive around the school, while everyone in school watches them through the windows. 4 of my friends came in my car... and it was sooo much fun!! We finally came to the realization that we were spending our last days at Union Catholic.

On Friday, we had our Baccalaureate Mass and Principal's Reception. It was a beautiful night... the IHM Church across the street from UC was packed with friends, family members, and teachers of the Class of '09. A number of seniors also participated in the mass, by alter serving, bringing up the gifts, UC '09 posters, our yearbook, and other things, reading, & singing in the mass. Then, a reception was held by our principal in the cafeteria. Graduation Day was an emotional day for me!! I started crying at 8 o' clock in the morning! As everyone was lining up to walk, I looked around and soaked the moment in. I thought "this is the last time I'm going to be with all of these people at the same time." I couldn't believe that my 4 years at UC were gone. Even though I am SO excited for summer and college, I know that I am really going to miss high school... especially because of my life at Union Catholic High School. This place has become my home... I have laughed, cried, won, and lost at UC. I've made some of the most memorable moments in my life because of the people I have met here and the things that I have done here. I will always cherish my time at UC, and will keep it and the people I've met because of it close to my heart. I hope all of you can soon experience the joy of Union Catholic that I have... don't take anything for granted and remember to live in the moment!! You only go through high school once in your life!

Now, it's time to celebrate :-)


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