UC Through Me

UC Through the eyes of Jeanette, a senior at Union Catholic.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe it's the end of September already! Where did this month go?! It's funny, because when everyone's in school, they say the actual school days go by soooo slow... ("It's only third period?!?!") But to me, the weeks are flying by! I guess it's because I never have a dull moment now. I'm always busy with some thing or another!

Last week, like I had said, were the 8th Grade Days of Recollection. I was one of the leaders for Sacred Heart. (here's a shout out to all my new Sacred Heart friends! haha). I was also one of the four senior speakers - I wrote a speech about having a relationship with God. The other speeches/areas we talked about that day were decision making, friendship, and self-acceptance. I think the day overall went well - it's great to connect with the 8th graders and talk to them about what the high school life is like.

Hmmmm, what else... Oh! Did I ever mention that I've been taking voice lessons? I started a few weeks ago because I want to prepare for the spring musical auditions. (Yes, already!). The auditions are next Friday - October 10th. I can't believe it's so early!! Well, actually, I can - Since we're doing Into the Woods this year, I know we're going to need ALOT of preparation! Since I didn't make the fall play, I really really hope to get a part in the musical. I've been in the musical all three years so far... it's just what I love to do! I've been really thinking about what song I'm going to sing. It's gotta be the perfect fit for me!

The dance last Friday was really fun. I was surprised to see how many people were there! Sometimes alot of the upperclassmen don't go, but not my class! We wanted to show our school spirit, because it's the last Welcome Back Dance we'll ever get to go to. It was so hot in there, but we all danced the night away. My friends and I were really tired, but still managed to go to the diner afterwards for a quick bite to eat. It's our senior year - we gotta make all the memories we can!!

Well that's all I have for this week. Talk to you soon!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Another Busy Week!

Hey all! Hope everyone had a good week and weekend. Let me tell you all about mine!

I'll start with call-backs for the Fall Play. There were 18 people there, so that meant that 10 people had to be cut. In variations, we had to perform different scenes with different people. I was asked to read for 2 of the 3 female parts. Even though I was nervous before we started, when I got up onto the stage and started the scene, I was comfortable. I knew that I did the best I could and gave it all I got. We were done around 4:30 p.m., and then had to endure the dreaded wait until the list was put up on Mrs. Addison's school notes page! Finally, at around 10, after refreshing the page about a thousand times, the list was up!!!!! I scrolled down, and didn't see my name.......I didn't get a part! I was really upset and started to cry... but that night and the day after, alot of my friends comforted me, and said they were really surprised. That made me feel better. I was also okay because I didn't feel like I could have tried harder, or done better. I did my thing, and it just didn't work out. It's ok!!!! I know that I'm going to be really busy anyway, especially since it's the college search & application season. I really really would have loved to be in the play, but I just have to remind myself that things happen for reasons, and focus my time on other things... like school work and college!

Speaking of that, one night last week the guidance department hosted a College Info Night for seniors and their guardians. It's always helpful to go to these because you learn exactly what you have to prepare for your applications and at what times certain paperworks have to go out. I'm in the process of writing my college essay and deciding what schools I am going to apply to, and when.

Two other senior girls and I have been meeting with an SAT math tutor every week since the summer. We get to work in guidance for an hour after school, where it's quiet and air conditioned! There's only two more sessions because the SAT is October 4th. After meeting with my tutor for so long, I think I'm actually going to go into the test more comfortable than I've ever been! I'm hoping to boost my math score up another 50-100 points. We'll see how that goes!

As for this week, UC is holding two 8th Grade Days of Recollection. I'll be helping and speaking at the one that's tomorrow. I worked it last year too, and it was really fun. I'll be sure to tell you how it goes! Then, on Friday, it's the annual Welcome Back Dance!!!! My friends and I are really excited... it's our last one, so we're gonna go and try to have as much fun as possible. As a newly elected student council homeroom rep, I'll be helping to sell tickets for it before school too.

Well I wrote a lot today. Hope you alll have a great week. Talk to ya soon! :-)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to School!

HEY EVERYONE!! It's me, Jeanette! Your senior blogger =)!!

I can't believe this is my third year blogging and keeping you updated about my life, in UC and out of it! As I enter my senior year, I know I'll have lots and lots to talk about. If you keep reading, you may feel like you know everything about me! I'm really excited for everything that has been, and will be, going on.

Well, everyone got through their first full week of school! As much as I didn't want summer to end, it was good to get back and see everyone. All I have to do is get through this last year, and I'll be all set for college!!! My initial feeling when I think about that is excitement, but as I think about it more and more, it's actually really scary!! I spent some of my summer researching, e-mailing, and visiting colleges. It was important to start the college search early, because even though school just started, I'm really busy already! There are also alot of people at UC who will help you with stuff for college. Our guidance counselors are awesome, always there to give you advice, hold information sessions, and help you in any way. This year, my English teacher is also going to be helping us with the application process - especially with our college essays. So, it takes a little stress off of my shoulders, and reminds me that there is always someone there to help!

Auditions for the fall play, "Incorruptible," were on Thursday. Call-Backs are today! (Monday). The play only has 8 people in the cast - 5 males and 3 females. I got a call-back, but I'm really really nervous, even though I've been doing this for a while! I really want to get a good part, because this is my senior year and everything! I'll be sure to tell you how it goes =).

So I guess that's all for now. Check out the other blogs, and be sure to come back to mine every Monday! Have a good week everyone!!!!!